Aldo Villanueva Z.

Operations Manager

Aldo Villanueva Z.

Operations Manager

Biology graduate from the Universidad Ricardo Palma. Since 1996 he has worked on development projects that involve native communities from the Peruvian jungle. He was a natural interpreter and lodge manager and teacher on environmental interpretation topics and Natural Protected Areas in Madre de Dios during 5 years. He has worked with professional photographers and production teams for wildlife documentaries for BBC, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, among others.

Since the year 2000 he dedicated more time to managing natural resources inside indigenous territories in zones of influence at the Natural Protected Areas, like coordinating projects in a conservation NGO. He was then working like a freelance for 2 years, carrying out courses and preparing park rangers at Natural Protected Areas in the mountains and the jungle. He was a volunteer for a wildlife protection NGO.

In 2003 he established himself in Loreto as a consultant for ecotourism development with native communities from the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve and later, he worked on optimum resource management and new models of scenery management, creating a Regional Conservation Area with the regional government of the Loreto region of almost half a million hectares.

Since 2008 he came back to Lima, after 11 years living and working in the amazon and decided to create Ecologistica Peru with his partner; Guillermo. Since then and until now, he has been the operations manager for all the groups and services, the company has provide along these 12 years.