Loon Project in Peru (2016-2018)
The result of this success in the recovery operations its measure by the number of balloons that we managed to recover....
5 octubre, 2018
REVERB – EIA: Músicos por la Conservación
we had an order to organize a trip of nearly 20 people between famous musicians, environmental activists and Peruvian indigenous leaders...
5 diciembre, 2017
Project Loon in Peru
They looked for us because we were recommended by field logistical expert supporters in Chile and Argentina....
5 octubre, 2016
The Yukon River Inter-tribal Watershed Council Scouting Trip
we were lucky to be able to work with the Yukon River Intertribal Watershed Council members -YRITWC, which was founded in Alaska, at the Yukon River Basin...
5 octubre, 2009