Ere - Campuya Rapid Biological Inventory

When we were all expecting the invitation from the Field Museum of Chicago for the advanced logistics of a project at the frontier with Brazil, we were happily surprised to learn that this time we would be going to the frontier with Colombia, up north the Amazon River. On this opportunity, Ecologistica Peru would help with the advanced logistics to prepare Camp 1 of the Rapid Biological Inventory: Ere-Campuya.

These basin areas of the Ere and Campuya and its surroundings have always been of interest for investigators, because many of the records of unusual fauna and flora happen towards the northern part of the Amazon River, creating a natural barrier towards the south. Also, the climate behaves in such a strange and atypical way that many times it can bring surprises and generate changes in the organization strategies.

This time we were working at Yare creek, which is a tributary to the Ene River. It is at this point where we constructed a camp base, a heliport and almost 22 km of trails. Our team could have not been a better one and, thanks to them, we achieved our goal in record time. Thanks to our friends in the communities of Putumayo and to our great boat driver Shego. Till next time!


Ecologistica Peru on the Official Peruvian Newspaper: Diario El Comercio

Amazonía peruana en escena. En noviembre próximo se estrenará una pelí

Oscar-winning French director filmed movie about forests in Manu

Lima, ene. 22 (ANDINA). Durante dos meses, el director francés Luc Jac



Contact Phones:

Guillermo (51) 979 771 365
Alicia (51) 997 920 639
Aldo (51) 993 678 705


[email protected]