Medio Putumayo – Algodón Rivers Rapid Biological Inventory
The job was possible thanks to the cooperation of our friends from the communities This amazing team played a key role in successfully fulfilling the objective of this project. This amazing team played a key role in successfully fulfilling the objective of this project....
One Planet BBC – Series: “Deserts”
we had the opportunity to be a part of a documentary production the BBC has been simultaneously doing in many countries around the globe …...
Tapiche – Blanco Rivers Rapid Biological Inventory
to lead one of the brigades that would be in charge of the construction of the Camp #1 for the rapid biological inventory...
Cerro Escalera Rapid Biological Inventory
… surrounded by an amazing landscape of rugged mountains, rocky creeks and steep hills, all of which kept us in a constant challenge …...
Chocolatillo River Biological Inventory - WCS
The abrupt and challenging altitude gradient, added to the incessant rains with the consequent flooding of streams where the toughest obstacles to overcome....
Capitalism: Tamouz Media Productions
This time, the chosen ones for the job were our friends from the Puerto Huaman and Nueva Vida Maijuna native communities, in the Yanayacu River...
Ere – Campuya Rapid Biological Inventory
Our team could have not been a better one and, thanks to them, we achieved our goal in record time....
Once Upon a Forest – Bonne Pioche Cinema Film
The base camp was established in the PVC Pakitza and housed more than 50 people during 02 months of strenous work in the middle of the jungle....
Scouting trip Manu and Tambopata Reserves
we made a recce trip with members of a French production company led by the renowned French Oscar-winning director; Luc Jacquet...