«Our Blue World» Documentary

In August this year we were referred to the Irish production company CREATE ONE to support them in the logistics required for a special episode of the documentary they will shoot for 1 year in several countries around the world and that bears the name of «Our Blue World». This documentary has to do with the conservation of WATER, and the accessibility to populations and people to this vital resource.

The interest of filming here in Peru focused on documenting the Inca hydraulics called AMUNAS; an ancestral system that allows planting, harvesting and rainwater supply, helping to decrease water stress in villages that do not have sufficient access to drinking water. Today there are still some communities and villages that continue using these techniques and that keep alive this strategy of conservation and use of the water resource.

San Pedro de Casta, a town located in the Andean part of the city of Lima, in the heights of the Santa Eulalia valley still practices this technique, and every year they celebrate the water festival ``Champeria``, where various activities are carried out including the cleaning of the Amunas, canals and reservoirs.

On this occasion there were 10 days of work divided into several activities, where several locations were involved both in Lima city and in the town of San Pedro de Casta where the production team stayed 4 days to document the activities of the water festival and to interview the key people of this annual event. In Lima city, the interest focused on documenting water scarcity in the district of San Juan de Miraflores, drawing a parallel between Andean populations and Andean migrants living in marginal urban areas of the capital.

We want to thank everyone who took part in this production: the friends of Backus and Aquafondo and especially the population of San Pedro de Casta for helping us meet the logistical objectives of this important documentary. Special thanks to the ladies of La Olla Comun «Viñas del Sur, in Pamplona Alta and to all the residents of that area for their great energy and willingness to collaborate with this production.