Our Team
We are lucky enough to have met each other in the field, either guiding tourists or working on investigation projects at remote and isolated places in our country. There we were able to develop what we are most passionate about and every day we realized that in order to achieve our goals we had to value and respect these places. It was there that we discovered that to be able to live under those conditions we had to bring out the best in each of us and complement each other with the best in others. Like leaf cutter ants, each one has their own job and fulfils it completely, for proper benefit and the benefit of the entire colony.
After many years together, each of us followed their own path to obtain more knowledge and experiences. Today we meet again and find friends like us, who enjoy what they do every day and, most importantly, do it with passion in each and every corner of our country. Our collaborators are the complement that allows ensuring that in the coast, mountains and jungle, ocean, rivers, land and air, Ecologistica Peru is the young, solid and reliable company that you, our friends and clients, have been waiting for. Welcome to Ecologistica Peru!
Our Staff

Guillermo Knell
General Manager
Guillermo Knell is a trained biologist with a Master’s Degree in Ecotourism who has a wealth of experience in sustainable tourism development and project management. As the International Programs Field Manager for The Field Museum of Chicago, Guillermo conducted biological inventories, field research and coordinated field logistics in his native Peru as well as in Cuba. While working with Development Center of the Amazonian Native People, Guillermo evaluated natural and cultural activities for potential tourism development, and worked with native communities from Machiguengas, Urarinas, Iquitos, Matses and Piros ethnic groups on sustainable development projects.

Aldo Villanueva Z.
Operations Manager
Biology graduate from the Universidad Ricardo Palma. Since 1996 he has worked on development projects that involve native communities from the Peruvian jungle. He was a natural interpreter and lodge manager and teacher on environmental interpretation topics and Natural Protected Areas in Madre de Dios during 5 years. He has worked with professional photographers and production teams for wildlife documentaries for BBC, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, among others.

Alicia Kuroiwa Y.
Founder Partner
Science graduate with a minor in Biology at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. She has taken the master courses for Environmental Sciences with a minor in Environmental Management and Ecology at the same university. She has 11 years of experience on research, 10 years experience in coordination of projects and logistics, in designing and implementing lineal transects in a wet rainforest, 9 years as a nature interpreter, 3 years of experience on environmental education, design of field courses and teaching.
Our Collaborators

Jean Paul Perret
With studies in the Department of Forestry at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Jean Paul is a GIS specialist. He has worked for 8 years in the marine conservation NGO Mundo Azul and has been an independent consultant for companies such as Walsh and Golder performing environmental impact studies for offshore projects. In addition, Jean Paul has participated in two National Geographic expeditions in Peru and Bolivia.

David Segurado
Born in the Basque Country, his passion for the mountains has been linked to him since childhood. This passion for adventure, exploration and nature led him to leave his life in Spain and travel to South America. He arrived in 1999 to travel from Ecuador to Chile, and then climb the highest mountain in America, Aconcagua mountain (6962msnm). From there it has opened new climbing routes in Chile and Peru. David was settled in Perú since 2000 and developed his ability to design new itineraries in the rainforest and mountains.

Dario Hurtado
Administrative and Police Sciences Graduate and Licensed on Education. He graduated as a lieutenant from the National Peruvian Police Department on January 1981. Then he qualified himself as a skydiver and a specialist in operations against terrorism with the ‘’Sinchis’’ Special Police SQUAD at Mazamari, as an Intelligence Officer and Counter Intelligence Officer with the Antidrug Police, at waterfront operations at Fort Albrook-USA in Panamá and as an expert in Dignatary Protection. He obtained the Administration certification at the General Santander College from the Colombian National Police Department, as well as in Helitransportation Operations.

Robinson Palomino
My name is Robinson Palomino. I am Peruvian and a certified in both Hotel Management and Professional Tour guide. Being a Quechua native I am a lover of the South American Andean Mountains where I have lived and explored since I was born.

Dennis Osorio
Since young age Dennis Osorio has traveled in Peru, at the beginning in road trips with the family mainly in routes to the Andes where the contact with the local culture and landscapes inspired him a close connection with nature, later he became a boy scouts leader in Peru, activity that share with his studies in tourism and spent some years training youth and adults in outdoor skills being a Wood Badge insignia recipient.